Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Great fun at work

This isn't much about food.... although I did learn something listening to the radio today.
David Letterman's doctor (why him? I don't know) said that you should eat carbs at night. People who eat carbs - even oatmeal - in the morning, are hungrier throughout the day.
I've been eating oatmeal because it's quick.
Maybe I'll see about eating something else in the morning for a week.

We will get back to posting Lawrence's dinner pictures. I promise.

This is actually about a game I played today with my residents. So simple and easy.

Called "Tell Me What To Do". You can actually call it anything you want...

You need at least two players - the more, the better!
Bucket (we used a small Halloween candy bucket - you can use a box or any other container)
Bean bag (only because I couldn't find a small ball - you just need something small to place in the bucket)

One person places the blindfold on. If you're not in a clear area, I would have a non-resident do this. I was the guinea pig today. Have someone place the bucket on a flat surface. If you are in a room with lots of space, the bucket can be placed on the floor. All players (other than the blindfolded player) sit to the side, and they have to tell the blindfolded person what to do.
Using only questions the residents can answer yes or no to, the person wearing the blindfold must ask questions to find the bucket. Some of the questions I asked were:
"Can I walk forward?"
"Can I walk 5 steps forward?"
"Can I turn to the right?"
"Can I walk to the left?"
"Can I walk 3 steps to the left?"
"Am I close?", and
"Can I drop it in the bucket?"

We played it about 6 or 7 times, and on the third try, I actually got the bean bag into the bucket.
The residents really enjoyed the game, and wanted to keep playing. I started with four players, but by the end I had 10 residents shouting yes and no at me. They also had little conversations about how many steps I had to take and if I should turn or not. It was interesting, for sure.

So, that's all for tonight... and since I didn't win the Powerball, I guess I'll see you guys again! LOL!

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